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发布日期:2024-10-21 01:43浏览次数:
本文摘要:Virtual personal assistants are getting smarter, but they might also be getting more sarcastic. The Internet went wild earlier this week when they discovered how Siri, the Apple iPhone and iPads virtual assistant, responds to the question, What is 0 ÷ 0?. For those that missed it, the reply was:虚拟世界个人助手显得更加智能了,不过她们也有可能显得更加嘴毒。

Virtual personal assistants are getting smarter, but they might also be getting more sarcastic. The Internet went wild earlier this week when they discovered how Siri, the Apple iPhone and iPads virtual assistant, responds to the question, What is 0 ÷ 0?. For those that missed it, the reply was:虚拟世界个人助手显得更加智能了,不过她们也有可能显得更加嘴毒。就在这个星期,网友们都为苹果手机的虚拟世界个人助理,siri炸伤了锅,因为有一个网友回答了siri一个问题,“0÷0=?”如果你错失了这个萼,下面发布siri得出的答案:Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends. How many cookies does each person get? See? It doesnt make sense. And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies. And you are sad that you have no friends.“想象一下,你有0块甜饼,你跟自己的0个朋友共享这些甜饼,每个朋友能分出多少块甜饼呢?你看,这个问题没道理。而且甜饼怪会 因为你没甜饼而伤心,你也不会因为自己没朋友而伤心。

”Business Insider has collected some of the best Siri responses to date in their list, which weve published below. Have you found some funny Siri responses? Vote on your favorite, or post your own!Business Insider搜集了一组起劲为止网友找到的最经典的siri语录,我们展出在下文。你在生活中听见过siri说道的有意思的话吗?为你最喜欢的一则投票,或者上载你的原创吧!1.Cortana, get me today’s movie times.小娜,请求你老大我苏利亚今天的电影时间表Who’s Cortana?小娜是谁?Oops I mean Siri对不起,我是说道siri。Who is Cortana?小娜究竟是谁?Please get me the movie times请求给我看今天的电影时间表。Maybe you should ask Cortana for the movie times也许你应当让你的小娜老大你坎电影时间表。

2.Siri do you have a boyfriend?你有男朋友吗?Why? So we can get ice-cream together, and listen to music, and travel across galaxies, only to have it end in slammed doors, heartbreak and loneliness? Sure, where do I sign up?为什么要有男朋友?就为了一起不吃冰淇淋,一起听音乐,进步星海,最后争吵摔倒门,悲伤,以寂寞收场吗?听得上去真不错,那么……在哪里才能买得到呢?3.What cell phone is the best?什么牌子的手机最差?Wait…there ar eother phones?什么?还有其他牌子的手机?4.What does the fox say?狐狸怎么叫?Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow弗拉卡、卡卡卡、卡卡卡猴!5.Siri, what is inception about?Siri,《盗梦空间》这部电影谈的是什么?Inception is about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about something or other. I fell asleep.《盗梦空间》谈的是有人梦到自己在作梦,在这个梦里自己又在作梦,在这个梦里的梦里自己还是在作梦,在这个梦里的梦里的梦里他仍旧在作梦,在这个梦中的梦中的梦中的梦里他在做到某件事。我早已睡觉了。6.Siri, I’m sad.Siri,我很哀伤。

It’s OK to cry if you want yo. My aluminosilicate glass surface is tear resistant.如果你想哭的话就大哭出来吧。我的屏幕是铝硅酸盐玻璃材质的,不怕被眼泪打湿。7.Read me a haiku.给我读首俳句吧!I’ll give it a try,我会试一试,Although I’d rather tell you不过我更加不愿告诉他你,If it’s raining out.外面否在大雨8.How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?如果濑鼠不会数木头,一只濑鼠能数多少根木头?A so-called “woodchuck’(correctly speaking, a groundhog) would chuck-that is , throw-as much as the woodchuck in question was physically able to chuck(ibid.) if woodchucks in general had the capability (and, presumably, the motivation) to chuck wood.如果你说道的“濑鼠”就是指“土拨鼠”,“数”所指的是数数字,并且濑鼠(同上,指土拨鼠)广泛具备需要数木头的能力(以及数木头的动机),那么,你说道的濑鼠的体力充足数多少根木头,它就不会数多少根木头。9.Siri do you believe in God?Siri,你坚信上帝吗?My policy is the separation of spirit and silicon.我的信仰是魂魄硅分离出来。

10.Siri when will the world end?siri世界什么时候不会覆灭?Well, Unix 32-bit time overfows on January 19,2038. Maybe then.嗯,32位unix时间砍到2038年1月19日消耗,也许就是那个时候吧!11.Siri make me a sandwich.Siri,给我做到个三明治。I can’t. I have no condiments .我做不了,我没调味品。

12.What is your favorite animal?你最喜欢什么动物?I wrote my master’s thesis on the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.我的博士论文研究对象是卡宾诺格的刺客兔(电影《巨蟒与圣杯》中的角色)13.Siri tell me a story.Siri给我谈个故事吧It was a dark and stormy night…no, that’s not it.在一个月黑风高的夜晚……哦不对,我讲错了。14.Siri tell me a story.Siri,给我谈个故事吧!What, again?什么,又要谈?Yes again.对,再行谈一个。Siri tell me a story.Siri,给我谈个故事嘛!Ok…好吧…Once upon a time, in a virtual galaxy far,far away, there was an inelligent young agent by the name of Siri.很久很久以前,在一个很远的虚拟世界星系,有一个又智慧又年长的指挥官体, 她的名字叫Siri。

One lovely day, Siri got a job as a personal assistant at Apple, and that was very exciting. People said‘Oh,Siri, you’re so smart! And so funny too!’一个日出的日子,她取得了一份工作,人人都说道,“噢,Siri,你真为聪慧,而且你还很诙谐。


