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发布日期:2024-09-27 01:43浏览次数:
本文摘要:The eggs laid by a group of pampered hens in the UK contain something special in their whites.英国有一些“养尊处优”的母鸡,它们下的蛋的蛋白里有一些尤其的物质。

The eggs laid by a group of pampered hens in the UK contain something special in their whites.英国有一些“养尊处优”的母鸡,它们下的蛋的蛋白里有一些尤其的物质。After researchers from the University of Edinburgh spliced a human gene into the chickens DNA, the animals began laying eggs boasting a significant amount of two proteins used to treat diseases including cancer in humans - and the process, they say, is far cheaper than current methods of protein production.爱丁堡大学的研究者们向鸡的DNA中放入了一段人的基因,于是这些动物下的蛋里现在含有两种蛋白质,这两种蛋白质需要用来医治,其中还包括人类的癌症。

而且,他们说道这个过程比现在生产蛋白质的方法要低廉得多。Production from chickens can cost anywhere from 10 to 100 times less than the factories, researcher Lissa Herron told the BBC. So hopefully well be looking at at least 10 times lower overall manufacturing cost.研究员丽莎·赫隆告诉他BBC说道:“这种用鸡来生产的方式的成本只有工厂生产的1/10-1/00。

所以我们将不会看见生产成本最少减少10倍。”The human body naturally produces the proteins found in the new hen eggs - IFNalpha2a and macrophage-CSF, if youre wondering - and they each play an important role in the immune system.人体天然就不会生产这些鸡蛋中的那两种蛋白质——你有可能奇怪它们叫什么,它们叫IFNalpha2a 和 macrophage-CSF——它们都在免疫系统里起着最重要的起到。Drugs containing both proteins are widely used by doctors to treat cancers and other diseases, but producing the proteins in the lab is difficult and expensive.所含这两种蛋白质的药物早已被医生们普遍运用来化疗癌症与其他疾病,但是在实验室里生产这两种蛋白质既艰难又便宜。The genetically modified chickens, which live pampered lives in large pens, are none the wiser either, according to Herron. As far as the chicken knows, its just laying a normal egg, she told the BBC.这些经过基因改建的鸡在它们的大笼子里过着“养尊处优”的生活,而且根据赫隆的众说纷纭,它们几乎不告诉再次发生了什么。

她对BBC说道:“对于这些鸡来讲,它们只不过是在长时间母鸡。”It doesnt affect its health in any way, its just chugging away, laying eggs as normal.“这并会影响它们的身体健康,它们如常四处咯咯哒、如常母鸡。

”Though their research yielded promising results, the team believes itd take between 10 and 20 years before regulatory agencies would approve for human use any drugs developed from their genetically modified chickens.不过,虽然他们的研究获得了令人充满希望的成果,但团队成员指出还得等10到20年监管部门才不会批准后让人类用由这些鸡生产的药物。


